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8823 guide 2025 Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 8823 guide 2025

Instructions and Help about 8823 guide 2025

Welcome back! As we continue to track plans for new affordable housing developments in Colorado Springs, we've been receiving questions from our viewers about what qualifies a person for affordable housing. Tonight at 6:00 News, Laura Wilson from News Five went out to several of the properties to get a better idea. She joins us in the studio with more. - It's difficult to differentiate these properties from your average apartment complex here in Colorado Springs. Greko Housing wants to change the perception of low-income housing and plans to build more units across the city. In a city facing an affordable housing shortage, having a place to call your own is a big deal for these tenants. It gives a whole new meaning to the word home. - Norman Gibson, who was once homeless, says having affordable housing was a lifesaver for him. With heart and other health issues, he believes he wouldn't still be here today if he had continued living on the streets. Gibson lives on the one Grieco Housing property that is primarily a project-based Section 8 property. - The residents who live here qualify due to their high need and limited resources. Often, certain disabilities or other factors come into play. Pat Key of Gresham Housing explains that this is what modern-day affordable housing looks like. The people who live here could be office workers in entry-level positions or individuals juggling two or three jobs in the service industry just to make ends meet. - In Colorado Springs, the area median income for one person is about $52,000. This means that if you make less than $41,000 a year, you would qualify for low-income housing. A family of four making under approximately $60,000 a year would also be considered low income. - There is an increasing number of...